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Civic Love Development Welcomes You

Civic Love, as expressed by James Baldwin

Our Origin Story

While collecting my doctoral research, I was introduced to James Baldwin's civic love, the prolific writer, author, speaker, and civil rights activist. With civic education, civic love has many similar meanings. It embodies a love for others and oneself that results in "being changed and a risking of change" (Fantuzzo, 2018, p. 388). This love relates to personal relationships, connections, and the striving for a fair community. Essentially, civic love is synonymous with brotherly love, as James Baldwin called it (Fantuzzo, 2018). To me, civic love looks like educators wanting to risk change for their students, teachers, or school's betterment and for students to want to risk change for the betterment of their future. 

This site is home to an organization founded by an educator for educators and students. Civic Love Leadership & Coaching Development LLC is an educational consulting organization specializing in leadership support and coaching development for educators and skill empowerment for students. 

Unlock your potential with Civic Love Leadership & Coaching Development LLC. Discover the transformative power of civic love and reach new heights!

Fantuzzo, J.P. (2018). Facing the civic love gap: James Baldwin's civic education for interpersonal solidarity. Educational Theory. 68(4-5), 385 – 402.

Our Services

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My Why

So That Others May Learn

Since 2003, I've been educating students from grades K -12. For the past seven years, I have provided instructional coaching to teachers in the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) system, specifically in Social Studies Education. My motto has always been "so that others may learn." Since the summer of 2023, I have officially been providing professional consulting services to clients from the District of Columbia. I hope to expand my services beyond Washington, DC. From strategic planning to innovative solutions, I always focus on building an efficient and results-driven relationship. I'll work with you to create a customized action plan for yourself or your organization. In addition, I aim to provide tutoring services for students to empower them to add to their skills toolbox. Get in touch to learn more about my vision and consulting approach.

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